The MGS Blog

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Provisions against outsourcing

 The provisions of the proposals for '"Building Momentum": A new public service agreement, 2021-2022' retains protections for public sector workers that act as a counterweight to employer attempts to outsourcing work to 3rd parties. The employer must...

"...present a `business case' if they want to outsource a service or part of a service and... to consult with staff representatives. Crucially, employers are forbidden to include labour costs in any business case."

Source:  Proposals for "Building Momentum": A new public service agreement, 2021-2022, SIPTU

Saturday, January 16, 2021

A post from The Reg "Offshoring is kind of over..."

Claims that "offshoring is kind of over, says Wipro, as financials surge thanks to offshoring"
Yet the whole basis for the article is that business is booming with distributed multi-sited multi-national work systems...

Friday, January 15, 2021

Still current, still true - the problems of outsourcing and how to solve them

An article by InVerita via Medium

#1 Data security risk
#2 Not planning your budget ahead
#3 Time zone difference
#4 Language and cultural barriers
#5 Inability to see the whole scope of the project
#6 Unclear delivery expectations
#7 Quantity, not quality
#8 Buying a pig in a poke
#9 You don’t “get it in writing”
#10 You don’t have any expertise in technology

[inVerita is a software consulting company focusing on outsourcing and staff augmentation services based in Ukraine.]