The MGS Blog

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Leaders of Tomorrow Award 2014

Kayode Nubi and Alex Keaney at the LoT Pitch Meeting

Four students on the MSc iBusiness - Innovation through ICT programme entered this year's "Leaders of Tomorrow" competition.
Cathal McNamara and Darragh Leahy with QR-Stamp, a system for making post easy; and Nubi Kayode and Alex Keaney with OnePlace, an application to make messaging simple again.
Kayode Nubi and Alex Keaney were selected as finalists, while Cathal and Darragh made it through to the second round.
The winner from the top six finalists will be announced at the 2014 LoT award ceremony, Thursday April 10th, 6pm at Accenture, 4th floor, 1 Grand Canal Square.
The Leaders of Tomorrow competition aims to identify, foster and recognise leadership potential and innovative thinking amongst aspiring entrepreneurs in Ireland.