The MGS Blog

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Cases - analysis/learning/synthesis

Possible ways to respond to a case. These approaches can be used for your own engagement with the mini cases. But note, you must bring your own creative spark to case analysis/learning/synthesis. The following is for inspiration and guidance and is not intended to be overly prescriptive.

Read the case. Search for and read relevant article(s) and books.
What made you curious? Have you further questions about any aspect of the case?
Identify learning-points, challenges or problems evident in this case.
Disclose personal experience, knowledge and skills you have relating to the area.
What personal knowledge gaps has the case revealed for you?
Provide evidence of key learning sources you identified to address the questions raised by you about the case and used by you to bridge your personal knowledge gaps.
Propose concrete actions (not mere recommendations) that you would employ in theory to address the case and/or to your own future projects based on the learning you gained from the case.

One possible approach to encapsulating your case analysis/learning/synthesis: 
Write 'Action Item' statements applicable to your own practice/team/company/and-or-the-case. Each Action Item to be a single (long) sentence covering the basics...
  • (Why) reasons linked to specific observation(s) based on or related to the case;
  • (What) elaborating on selected element(s) linking the case context with additional research/readings;
  • (How) 'for examples' suggesting things to be done that activate the recommended action item in a practical manner.